STAT : Association Management

10 Questions to Ask When Choosing an AMC

Be prepared! A Checklist of Questions AMCs Will Ask You

"I honestly believe that the best decision the organization has ever made was to contract with you as our management firm. You have taken us into this new century with a sense of achievement and satisfaction."

—Clayton E. Ciesiak, CPAM
National Chairman of the Board
American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management




Growth Capabilities

What is association management?

  Staff with Client Picture STAT Association Marketing and Management provides complete, experienced, cost-effective association management. Small enough to be flexible, STAT is also large enough to offer substantial savings over independent association operation.

We understand that your association has its own unique characteristics and challenges. You know your industry. We know association management. Together we can address short-term issues and develop productive long-range plans for your association.

STAT understands why organizations seek an association management company. We can serve as a springboard to help a young association grow. We can also help when an established group faces changes and financial challenges.

STAT offers three distinct management options:

Associations begin when volunteers join together to meet a need, fulfill a mission or advocate for change. As membership and benefits grow, volunteer time may no longer be able to accommodate the needs of members. We work with associations that have outgrown their volunteer origins and are looking for knowledgeable and experienced support. STAT can help move your association to the next level.

Changes in the economy or the maturing of an industry can radically affect association revenue. Sometimes maintaining member benefits requires cutting administrative costs. Bringing your organization under STAT's management can significantly lower your association's overhead expenses. At the same time, STAT's solid, experience-based financial management, cost-effective approaches to growth, and creation of new revenue streams can breathe new life into your organization.

At times when downsizing becomes necessary, don't lose the valuable experience and industry knowledge of your staff. STAT provides a unique approach to preserve your organization's history and continuity: by moving your operations and key staff to STAT Association Marketing and Management, you can sustain your mission, policy development and public face while improving service to your membership and cutting costs.

Contact us for full details on our management options.

What makes STAT's association management outstanding?

  • Our commitment to your association's growth.
  • Our size: we are small enough to know you personally and large enough to fully support your organization.
  • Our experience and maturity: together our principals bring many years of hands-on expertise in management, finance, and marketing. Founded in 1986, STAT Association Marketing and Management knows the association business.
  • Our fiscal philosophy: we prevent dangerous cycles of financial damage by developing accurate budgets & helping you stay on target.
  • Our location: based near Washington, DC, the association center of the U.S., our clients have access to policy makers and association leadership resources.
  • Our fixed fee approach: we're all yours. We won't bill you for every phone call.
  • Our outstanding customer service: we integrate seamlessly with your organization.

    Growth Capabilities

    Use this simple form to tell us about your specific situation, and a STAT representative will contact you.

    If you prefer, e-mail STAT President Sharon Galler at

    Copyright© 2002, STAT Association Marketing and Management

  •     STAT Association Marketing and Management  ·  11240 Waples Mill Rd. ·  Suite 200  ·  Fairfax, VA 22030  ·  (703)934-0160