STAT : Association Management : What is AMC : Questions

10 Questions to Ask When Choosing an AMC

Be prepared! A Checklist of Questions AMCs Will Ask You

"I honestly believe that the best decision the organization has ever made was to contract with you as our management firm. You have taken us into this new century with a sense of achievement and satisfaction."

—Clayton E. Ciesiak, CPAM
National Chairman of the Board
American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management



10 Questions to Ask When Choosing an AMC


Each association management firm has its own strengths and focus, making the selection process challenging. While we encourage you to choose STAT Association Marketing and Management, we first recommend a careful assessment of your needs and comparison with our skills to assure a successful, long term relationship.

Here are some crucial considerations as you evaluate potential association management companies.

  1. Needs
    First, investigate and specifically define your association's needs and expectations, as you would with any major purchase. Then take the time to prioritize the skills you will require from the management company to meet your needs.

  2. Financials
    Have a clear understanding of your organization's financial condition. What are your revenue and expense trends for the last few years? What are your current overall administrative costs? You can't evaluate the financial advantages an AMC may provide if you don't clearly understand your current financial picture.

    Ask for information about the AMC's financial condition. Are they stable? Are they growing?

  3. References
    Request references from current and former clients. There can be a big difference between the company's pitch and their performance.

  4. Staff Structure
    How will your assigned staff serve you? Will your membership have recognizable names and voices at the other end of the line? Be sure you understand the services your designated staff will perform, what will be handled by other internal staff, and what will be outsourced.

  5. Planning
    How will the AMC and your organization agree on the priorities for each year? What is the basis for the plan? Will member surveys be done or will leadership develop the agenda?

  6. Growth
    Do not accept a maintenance management model for your organization. Find a company that will work with you to build and achieve growth goals in membership, benefits, education and public policy.

  7. Pricing structure
    This is a critical consideration. What services are included in the basic agreement? Will this meet your essential needs? How will you be charged for work outside the scope of the agreement?

  8. Transition Costs
    What will you be charged for the transition to the AMC? Are there costs for software conversation? Are there "one-time" fees for setting up phone, fax, letterhead, etc.?

  9. Software
    To what database system is your data being migrated? If it is a custom program, you may be setting yourself up for problems later.

  10. Feel
    When all is said and done, do you feel positive about a long-term relationship with this management company?

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    STAT Association Marketing and Management  ·  11240 Waples Mill Rd. ·  Suite 200  ·  Fairfax, VA 22030  ·  (703)934-0160